Browsing by Author "Araci S."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Common fixed point for generalized-(ψ,α, β)-weakly contractive mappings in generalized metric spaces
In this paper, we establish some common fixed point theorems for generalized-(?,?, ?)-weakly contractive mappings in generalized metric spaces which extends the results of Isik et al. [3]. We present an example in support ... -
Corrigendum to “On the von Staudt–Clausen's theorem related to q-Frobenius–Euler numbers” (J. Number Theory (2016) 159 (329–339))
Araci S.; Acikgoz M. (Academic Press Inc., 2016)We have to correct our paper as follows. In our paper, q-Frobenius–Euler numbers were already defined as q-extension of ?-Euler polynomials by Kim [2] as follows: [formula presented] When [formula presented] in the above, ... -
Existence and uniqueness for a solution of pseudohyperbolic equation with nonlocal boundary condition
Merad A.; Bouziani A.; Araci S. (Natural Sciences Publishing Co., 2015)Motivated by a number of recent investigations, we define and investigate the various properties of a class of pseudohyperbolic equation defined on purely integral (nonlocal) conditions. We derive useful results involving ... -
On the properties of q-Bernstein-type polynomials
Araci S.; Acikgoz M.; Bagdasaryan A. (Natural Sciences Publishing USA, 2017)The aim of this paper is to give a new approach to modified q-Bernstein polynomials for functions depend on the several variables. We derive the recurrence formulas related to the second Stirling numbers and generalized ... -
Recent Trends in Special Numbers and Special Functions and Polynomials
Araci S.; Acikgoz M.; Özel C.; Srivastava H.M.; Diagana T. (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015)[No abstract available] -
Some new formulae for genocchi numbers and polynomials involving bernoulli and euler polynomials
Araci S.; Acikgoz M.; Şen E. (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014)We give some new formulae for product of two Genocchi polynomials including Euler polynomials and Bernoulli polynomials. Moreover, we derive some applications for Genocchi polynomials to study a matrix formulation. © 2014 ... -
Stancu-durrmeyer type operators based on q-integers
Neer T.; Agrawal P.N.; Araci S. (Natural Sciences Publishing USA, 2017)In this paper, we construct the Stancu-Durrmeyer-type modification of q-Bernstein operators by means of q-Jackson integral. Here, we establish moment estimates and some direct results which include basic convergence theorem, ... -
Symmetric functions of binary products of fibonacci and orthogonal polynomials
Boussayoud A.; Kerada M.; Araci S.; Acikgoz M.; Esi A. (University of Nis, 2019)In this paper, we introduce a new operator in order to derive some new symmetric properties of Fibonacci numbers and Chebychev polynomials of first and second kind. By making use of the new operator defined in this paper, ... -
Symmetric identities involving weighted q-Genocchi polynomials under s4
Duran U.; Acikgoz M.; Araci S. (Jangjeon Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Physics, 2015)In the paper, wo obtain some new symmetric identities of weighted g-Genocchi polynomials using the fermionic p-adic q-integral on Zp. -
A symmetric identity on the q-Genocchi polynomials of higher-order under third dihedral group D3
A?yüz E.; Acikgoz M.; Araci S. (Jangjeon Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Physics, 2015)In the present paper, we perform a further investigation for the q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials of higher order under third Dihedral group D3 and establish some closed formulae of the symmetric identities. We also ...