Browsing by Author "Dirgar, Ezgi"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Correction to: Emotions reflected in colours: experiences of nursing students during the COVID-19 period
Atay, Eda; Dirgar, Ezgi; Pehlivan, Kadiriye; Tosun, Betül; Ayaz, Ahmet; Yava, Ayla; Leyva-Moral, Juan M. (BioMed Central Ltd, 2024)The original article erroneously affiliates co-authors, Ezgi Dirgar, Ahmet Ayaz, and Juan M. Leyva-Moral to affiliation #1. None of the aforementioned authors is affiliated to affiliation #1, and their correct affiliations ... -
Cultural humility among nursing students in a multicultural setting
Berşe, Soner; Dirgar, Ezgi; Tanriverdi, Derya; Atay, Eda (IOS Press BV, 2024)BACKGROUND: Given the importance of cultural diversity in healthcare, the shift from 'cultural competence' to 'cultural humility' has become crucial. This transition is particularly relevant for nursing students in multiethnic ... -
Cultural intelligence and migration intentions among nursing and midwifery students in southeastern region of Turkey: A correlational study
Berşe, Soner; Tosun, Betül; Dirgar, Ezgi; Yava, Ayla (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)Aim: This study explores the relationship between cultural intelligence and attitudes towards the intention to migrate among nursing and midwifery students. Methods: Using a correlational design, data were collected from ... -
Determination of ıncidence and risk factors of medical device-related pressure ınjury in the ICU: a descriptive study
Dirgar, Ezgi; Gider, Neslihan Yağmur; Tosun, Betül (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1 March 20)OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and risk factors of medical device-related pressure injury (MDRPI) in the ICU. METHODS: In this descriptive study, the researchers collected data through systematic observation of ... -
Developing the better and effective nursing education for improving transcultural nursing skills cultural competence and cultural sensitivity assessment tool (BENEFITS-CCCSAT)
Yava, Ayla; Tosun, Betul; Papp, Katalin; Tothova, Valerie; Sahin, Eda; Yilmaz, Emel Bahadir; Dirgar, Ezgi; Hellerova, Vera; Tricas-Sauras, Sandra; Prosen, Mirko; Licen, Sabina; Karnjus, Igor; Tamayo, M. Dolors Bernabeu; Leyva-Moral, Juan M. (BMC, SEP 27 202)BackgroundA clear need for the development of new comprehensive, reliable, sensitive and valid measurement tools to adequately asses the cultural competence and cultural sensitivity of nursing students exists. This study ... -
Emotions reflected in colours: experiences of nursing students during the COVID-19 period
Atay, Eda; Dirgar, Ezgi; Pehlivan, Kadiriye; Tosun, Betül; Ayaz, Ahmet; Yava, Ayla; Leyva-Moral, Juan M. (BioMed Central Ltd, December 2)Background: The aim of this study was to identify nursing students’ fears and emotions and to concretise the metaphors they used to describe their feelings towards the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This study was conducted ... -
Evaluating Nurses' Knowledge of Pressure Injury Prevention: A Descriptive Study
Dirgar, Ezgi; Tosun, Betul; Dokumu, Hakan; Bulbul, Tuba (LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, APR 2022)OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nurses' knowledge on pressure injury (PI) prevention. METHODS: Four hundred six nurses in Turkey participated in this descriptive study between January and February 2020. Participants completed ... -
Evaluating the effectiveness of a new curriculum for transcultural nursing education: a mixed-method study
Tosun, Betül; Yılmaz, Emel Bahadır; Dirgar, Ezgi; Şahin, Eda Başustaoğlu; Hatipoğlu, Kadiriye Pehlivan; Yava, Ayla (BioMed Central Ltd, 2024)Background: In recent years, limited studies have evaluated the development of cultural awareness, sensitivity, skills, communication and competence among nursing students using different models and curricula. Objectives: ... -
Evaluating the novel coronavirus infection outbreak surveillance results in a state hospital: A retrospective study
Dirgar, Ezgi; Tosun, Betül; Berşe, Soner; Tosun, Nuran (Makerere University, Medical School, 2021)Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has raised the global public health concern and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Objectives: This study was aimed to examine the clinical course and ... -
Evaluation of Turkish nurses’ attitudes to workplace incivility
Dirgar, Ezgi; Tosun, Betül; Arslan, Siyabe (University of Ostrava, 2021)Aim: This study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the attitudes of nurses to workplace incivility. Design: A cross-sectional study. Methods: This study was implemented with the participation of 195 nurses working ... -
Examination of individualised care behaviours and ethnocentrism of nurses caring for refugees: A descriptive and exploratory study
Tosun, Betul; Dirgar, Ezgi; Pehlivan, Kadiriye; Atay, Eda; Yava, Ayla; Leyva-Moral, Juan M. (WILEY, AUG 2023)BackgroundQualified individualised nursing care should be provided to all communities and ethnic groups with free of ethnocentrism. AimsTo evaluate nurses' individualised care behaviours and ethnocentric attitudes and ... -
Göçmen sağlığı merkezlerinden hizmet alan hastaların ağrı anksiyetesi ve ağrıyla baş etme yöntemlerinin incelenmesi
Yildirim, Didem (Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi, 2022)Bu araştırma hastaların ağrı anksiyetelerini ve ağrıyla baş etme yöntemlerini incelenmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini Malatya'da bulunan üç Göçmen Sağlığı Merkezi ve bir Güçlendirilmiş Göçmen Sağlığı Merkezine ... -
Hemşirelerin kan basıncı ölçümü sırasındaki ergonomik risklerine yönelik eğitim etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
Dirgar, Ezgi (Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi, 2021)Hastanelerde sağlık işgücü içinde sayısal olarak büyük çoğunluğu oluşturan ve hizmet sunumunun sürekliliği açısından önemli bir grup olan hemşireler kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları açısından riskli gruptadır. Bu çalışma ... -
Hemşirelerin yararsız tedavilere yönelik tutumlarının profesyonel değerler ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi
Bülbül, Tuba (Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı, 2023)Gaziantep İli’nde yataklı tedavi hizmeti veren dört kamu, dört özel ve bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin yarasız tedavilere yönelik tutumlarının profesyonel değerler ile ilişkinin incelenmesi amacıyla tanımlayıcı ... -
Investigation of the Psychological Resilience of Health Sciences Students in Terms of Some Variables in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dirgar, Ezgi; Tosun, Betul; Papp, Katalin; Dolanbay, Buglem Kadriye; Olgun, Nermin; Ozen, Nurten (CYPRUS MENTAL HEALTH INST, JUN 2022)Psychological resilience is defined as the ability to recover from difficult life experiences or the ability to effectively deal with changes or disasters. The unexpectedly high rate of COVID-19 disease spread and quarantine ... -
Dirgar, Ezgi; Olgun, Nermin (inönü üniversitesi, 2021)Diyabet sık görülen, yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyen, ciddi komplikasyonlara yol açan, önemli bir halk sağlığı problemidir. Çalışma kendi kendine insülin enjeksiyonu yapan bireylerin uygulama hataları ve bu hataları ... -
Validity and reliability study of the turkish version of the eye care clinical competence questionnaire related to eye care of intensive care patients by nurses
Özkaptan, Bilge Bal; Tosun, Betül; Dirgar, Ezgi; Özen, Nurten (University of Ostrava, 2021)Aim: This methodological study was conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Eye Care Clinical Competence Questionnaire, which evaluates the clinical competence of nurses regarding ... -
Güler, Selver; Dirgar, Ezgi; Kaplan, Betül; Avcı, Sezer; Çiğdem, Zerrin (inönü üniversitesi, 2021)Hemşirelerin bakım verdiği bireylere ulaşmasını sağlayan en temel araç iletişim bilgi ve becerisidir. Bu beceri, yoğun bakım ünitesi gibi kritik ortamlarda daha önemli olmaktadır. Bu araştırma yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin ...