Now showing items 1-3 of 3
A Class of Generating Functions for a New Generalization of Eulerian Polynomials with their Interpolation Functions
(UNIV NIS, 2016)
Motivated by a number of recent investigations, we define and investigate the various properties of a new family of the Eulerian polynomials. We derive useful results involving these Eulerian polynomials including (for ...
An analogue of Eulerian polynomials related to L-type function
(MAEJO UNIV, 2015-05)
We introduce Dirichlet's type of twisted Eulerian polynomials by using p-adic fermionic q-invairant integral in the p-adic integer ring and obtain some new interesting identities. Using a complex contour integral representation ...
On the dirichlet’s type of eulerian polynomials
(Springer Medizin, September )
In the present paper, we introduce the Eulerian polynomials attached to χ using p-adic q-integral on Zp. Also, we give some new interesting identities via the generating functions of Dirichlet’s type of Eulerian polynomials. ...