Recent Submissions
The ımpact of economic policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk on environmental quality: An analysis of the environmental kuznets curve hypothesis with the novel qrpd approach
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2025)This study aimed to determine the impact of economic policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk on environmental quality in 17 selected countries. In addition, it also aimed to test the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis ... -
The modified q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials with applications to q-zeta functions
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2025)In this paper, we introduce the modified q-Genocchi polynomials, investigate their properties, and give their generating function. We obtain a number of new relations and properties for q-Genocchi polynomials, such as ... -
A comparative analysis on healthcare spending efficiency among the g-8 countries and Turkey
(İstanbul Üniv, 2024)Recently, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of people coming to Turkey from high-income countries to benefit from the healthcare system. This increasing demand for Turkish healthcare-related services has ... -
Investigating the role of biomass energy consumption and forest products trade on the forest footprint in Finland: An environmental Kuznets curve analysis
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024)Forests are essential in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and maintaining ecosystems, mainly through preserving biodiversity. For this reason, the sustainability of forests is essential for human life. ... -
Üniversite gençliğinin avrupa birliği algısının analizi
(2024)Amaç: Avrupa Birliği (AB), siyasi, ekonomik, sosyal ve askeri anlamda önemli politikalar üreten büyük bir uluslararası örgüttür. Araştırmanın amacı üniversite gençliğinin AB’ye bakış açısını incelemek ve analiz etmektir. ... -
Democracy and foreign direct investment in BRICS-TM countries for sustainable development
(Springer, 2024)The study aims to examine the long-term cointegration between the democracy index and foreign direct investment (FDI). The sample group chosen for this investigation comprises BRICS-TM (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South ... -
Insights of resources productivity and green technologies impact on renewable energy consumption: Novel MMQR approach
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2024)This study investigates the dynamic effect of resource productivity and green technologies on renewable energy (RE) use in 28 middle-income countries from 2006 to 2022 using MMQR, QR and causality techniques. Results ... -
Unveiling the power of nation branding: Exploring the ımpact of economic factors on global ımage perception
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), August 202)Nation branding, which demonstrates countries’ power on an international platform, has gained prominence in the literature in recent years. How countries can build their strategies around these factors and make themselves ... -
Exploring the ıntention of travel agencies to adopt chatbots: Integrating toe and MGB
(Routledge, 2024)This study examines chatbot technology from a business perspective and aims to provide empirical evidence for chatbot adoption by travel agencies. We have collected data from 356 travel agency officials based on the ... -
The relationships between the multidimensional planned behavior model, green brand awareness, green marketing activities, and purchase intention
(Wiley, JUN 2024)IntroductionThis study investigates the determinants impacting consumer purchasing behavior.MethodsUtilizing multidimensional planned behavior theory alongside measures of brand awareness and green brand awareness, this ... -
Future of humanity: New era space economy
(IGI Global, 9 April 20)The study aims to reveal the possible economic, social, and technological consequences of these activities and make projections and evaluations regarding the space economy for the future of humanity. It also aims to create ... -
What is the long-run relationship between military expenditures, foreign trade and ecological footprint? Evidence from method of Maki cointegration test
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024)The US leads the global economy regarding foreign trade volume and military expenditures. Increases in military expenditures and foreign trade can substantially affect environmental issues. This study's preliminary research ... -
Determining the green technology innovation accelator and natural resources towards decarbonization for the EU countries: evidence from MMQR
(Springer, 2024)Gearing up for green technology innovation (GTI) and natural resources has become even more important in the transition to a zero-emission life, a green economy, and sustainable development goals. This attempt has become ... -
Dynamic impact of demographic features, FDI, and technological innovations on ecological footprint: evidence from European emerging economies
(Sprınger Heıdelberg, FEB 2024)Climate change effect mitigation is a critical priority for top leaders and communities around the globe. Human-induced environmental issues are affecting humankind's standard of living and development potential and the ... -
A new class of ordınary generatıng functıons for bınary products of mersenne numbers and gaussıan numbers wıth parameters p and q
(Colgate University, 2023)In this paper, we derive some new generating functions for the products of several special numbers including (p, q)-Fibonacci numbers, (p, q)-modified Pell numbers, and (p, q)-Jacobsthal Lucas numbers. We also give some ... -
On the dirichlet’s type of eulerian polynomials
(Springer Medizin, September )In the present paper, we introduce the Eulerian polynomials attached to χ using p-adic q-integral on Zp. Also, we give some new interesting identities via the generating functions of Dirichlet’s type of Eulerian polynomials. ... -
Sustainable pathways for attaining net-zero emissions in European emerging countries - the nexus between renewable energy sources and ecological footprint
(Sprınger Heıdelberg, SEP 2023)This study aims to investigate the relationship between renewable energy and ecological footprint during the period of 1994-2018 from selected developing countries in Europe (Czechia, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Romania, and ... -
The relationship of economic growth, income inequality and poverty: a study on developing countries
(Sındıcato Secretarıas Estado Sao Paulo, 2023)This study aims to examine the relationship between income inequality, poverty and economic growth in selected eight developing countries determined by the World Bank's Atlas method between 2000 and 2020. The problem of ... -
Türkiye’de adalet ilkesi bakımından yükseköğretimde finansman politikası: kim faydalanıyor? kim ödüyor?
(2011)Eğitimin bireylerin kazanma kapasiteleri ve iktisadi büyüme üzerinde güçlü bir etkisinin bulunduğu konusunda görüş birliği bulunan iktisatçılar, insana beşeri sermaye olarak yaklaşmışlardır. Bu yaklaşım, eğitim yatırımlarını ... -
Anadolu’da kurulan üniversitelerin illerin sosyo-ekonomik yapılarına katkıları
(2011)Üniversiteler, genel olarak ülkenin, özel olarak ise bulunduğu kentin sosyo-ekonomik gelişmesini sağlayan faktörlerin en önemlilerinden birisidir. Üniversite denilince, ilk önce, her üniversite nüfusunun kentte yaptığı ...