Browsing MF - EEM Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 65-84 of 161
Ideal-based quasi zero divisor graph
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Fakultesi, 2021)Let R be a commutative ring with identity and I a proper ideal of R. In this paper we introduce the ideal-based quasi zero divisor graph QGammaI(R) of R with respect to I which is an undirected graph with vertex set ... -
Image illumination enhancement with an objective no-reference measure of illumination assessment based on Gaussian distribution mapping
(ELSEVIER - DIVISION REED ELSEVIER INDIA PVT LTD, 2015-12)Illumination problems have been an important concern in many image processing applications. The pattern of the histogram on an image introduces meaningful features; hence within the process of illumination enhancement, it ... -
Imperceptible non-blind watermarking and robustness against tone mapping operation attacks for high dynamic range images
(SPRINGER, 2018-09)High dynamic range (HDR) imaging has experienced a widespread during the recent years through various technologies, including social network applications, which necessitates robust watermarking schemes to protect the ... -
Implementing PointNet for point cloud segmentation in the heritage context
(SPRINGER, JAN 4 2023)Automated Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) from the point cloud data has been researched in the last decade as HBIM can be the integrated data model to bring together diverse sources of complex cultural content ... -
Improved line-line method for propagation constant measurement of reflection-asymmetric networks
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, MAR 31 202)A new formalism using line-line measurements is proposed to improve the accuracy of propagation constant measurement of reflection-asymmetric networks using non-calibrated scattering (S-) parameters. For this measurement, ... -
Improved Method for Permittivity Determination of Dielectric Samples by Free-Space Measurements
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2022)A new deembedding technique is proposed for relative complex permittivity epsilon(r) determination of dielectric materials using gated free-space measurements. Its three main features are 1) it does not require any formal ... -
Improving Return on Investment for Photovoltaic Plants by Deploying Customized Load
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 16 October)The deployment of grid connected photovoltaic (PV) power plants is increasing dramatically recently. Due to the intermittent nature of the PV power plant, a battery and/or a power curtailment controller has to be installed ... -
Innovative diagnostic tool: Convolutional neural network for early fat malabsorption detection in pediatric patients with chronic diarrhea
(Brıefland, APR 2024)Background: Chronic diarrhea in children poses a significant clinical challenge and can lead to adverse health outcomes. Among various causes, fat malabsorption is particularly concerning, as it may lead to inadequate ... -
An interaction-oriented multi-agent SIR model to assess the spread of SARS-CoV-2
(HACETTEPE UNIV, 2021)It is important to recognize that the dynamics of each country are different. Therefore, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic necessitates each country to act locally, but keep thinking globally. Governments have a responsibility ... -
Interpenetrated triple polymeric layer as electrochemomechanical actuator: Solvent influence and diffusion coefficient of counterions
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2017-03-10)Full polymeric trilayers formed by two lateral polypyrrole-dodecylbenzoesulfate (PPyDBS) films interpenetrating a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVdF) central membrane were electrochemically characterized. Square wave voltammetric ... -
Investigation and determination of optimal tilt angles and solar radiation gains for fixed and tracked south-facing solar photovoltaic surfaces in provinces of Türkiye
(SPRINGER, OCT 2023)The solar photovoltaic (PV) plants in Turkiye have been advancing at a remarkable rate in the last decades because of the region's high solar energy potential. However, it is understood from the literature review that there ... -
Low-quality fingerprint classification using deep neural network
(INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET, 2018-11)Fingerprint recognition systems mainly use minutiae points information. As shown in many previous research works, fingerprint images do not always have good quality to be used by automatic fingerprint recognition systems. ... -
Mean-square deviation analysis of the zero-attracting variable step-size LMS algorithm
(SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2017-03)The well-known variable step-size least-mean-square (VSSLMS) algorithm provides faster convergence rate while maintaining lower mean-square error than the conventional LMS algorithm. The performance of the VSSLMS algorithm ... -
Measurement of the Width of Ultrashort Optical Pulses with a Streak Camera
(OLD CITY PUBLISHING INC, 2019)The streak camera is an ultrahigh speed detector which captures light emission phenomena occurring in extremely short time periods. In this work the operating principles of a synchroscan streak camera are introduced and ... -
Mechanical and Electromagnetic Properties of Self-Compacted Geopolymer Concretes With Nano Silica and Steel Fiber Additives
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, IEEE-INST )Mechanical and electromagnetic properties (over 2-16 GHz) of self-compacted geopolymer concrete (SCGC) samples with different amounts of nanosilica (NS) and steel-fiber (SF) have been examined. From the mechanical tests, ... -
Medical robots with potential applications in participatory and opportunistic remote sensing: A review
(2017)Among numerous applications of medical robotics, this paper concentrates on the design, optimal use and maintenance of the related technologies in the context of healthcare, rehabilitation and assistive robotics, and ... -
Metamaterial Design with Nested-CNN and Prediction Improvement with Imputation
(MDPI, APR 2022)Metamaterials, which are not found in nature, are used to increase the performance of antennas with their extraordinary electromagnetic properties. Since metamaterials provide unique advantages, performance improvements ... -
Method of lines solution to the transient SBS equations for nanosecond Stokes pulses
(SPRINGEROPEN, 2013)The spectral and temporal evolution of distributed sensing based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fibers for several-nanosecond Stokes pulses is demonstrated by using the method of lines (MOL) solution ... -
Method of lines solutions for the three-wave model of Brillouin equations
(EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, 2014)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present the method of lines (MOL) solution of the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) equations (a system of three first-order hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs)), ... -
Mimicking speaker's lip movement on a 3D head model using cosine function fitting
(POLSKA AKAD NAUK, 2017-10)Real-time mimicking of human facial movement on a 3D head model is a challenge which has attracted attention of many researchers. In this research work we propose a new method for enhancing the capturing of the shape of ...