Browsing MF - EEM Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 162
1-absorbing primary submodules
(OVIDIUS UNIV PRESS, 2021)Let R be a commutative ring with non-zero identity and M be a unitary R-module. The goal of this paper is to extend the concept of 1-absorbing primary ideals to 1-absorbing primary submodules. A proper submodule N of M is ... -
2-absorbing δ-semiprimary Ideals of Commutative Rings
(Kyungpook National University, 2021)Let R be a commutative ring with nonzero identity, I(R) the set of all idealsof R and δ: I(R) → I(R) an expansion of ideals of R. In this paper, we introduce theconcept of 2-absorbing δ-semiprimary ideals in commutative ... -
2-nil ideals of commutative rings
(Belgian Mathematical Society, 2021)The concept of 2-nil ideal of a commutative ring R is introduced, as an alternative to the (2, n)-ideals from [6]. We study its relationship with previously introduced classes of ideals, such as 2-absorbing ideals and ... -
2-Nil submodules of modules over commutative rings
(World Scientific, 2022)In this paper, we extend the notion of 2-nil ideal introduced by Yetkin Celikel in [E. Yetkin Celikel, 2-nil ideals of commutative rings, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin 28(3) (2021).] to 2-nil ... -
3D face reconstruction with region based best fit blending using mobile phone for virtual reality based social media
(POLSKA AKAD NAUK, 2019-02)The use of virtual reality (VR) has been exponentially increasing and due to that many researchers have started to work on developing new VR based social media. For this purpose it is important to have an avatar of the ... -
Accuracy comparison of different batch size for a supervised machine learning task with image classification
(IEEE, 2022)Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence where computers solve issues by considering examples of real-world data. Within machine learning, there are various types of techniques or tasks such as supervised, ... -
Action Recognition Using Single-Pixel Time-of-Flight Detection
(MDPI, 2019-04)Action recognition is a challenging task that plays an important role in many robotic systems, which highly depend on visual input feeds. However, due to privacy concerns, it is important to find a method which can recognise ... -
Adaptive multi-view video streaming using side information over peer-to-peer networks
(SPRINGER, 2019-03)Multi-view plus-depth-map (MVD) video streaming with autostereoscopic displays provides multi-user immersive media experiences. In this context, delivery of MVD representation to multiple clients remains a challenging ... -
Analysis of transportable off-grid solar power generation for rural electricity supply: an application study of Sanliurfa, Turkey
(PAMUKKALE UNIV, 2023)Despite the advances in technology, electrical energy needs in rural and less developed regions are not yet fully met in terms of cost and sustainability. Nowadays, small-scale Photovoltaic (PV) systems can be transported ... -
Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition in Video Clips
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2019-01)This paper presents a multimodal emotion recognition system, which is based on the analysis of audio and visual cues. From the audio channel, Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Filter Bank Energies and prosodic features ... -
Automatic access control based on face and hand biometrics in a non-cooperative context
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)Automatic access control systems (ACS) based on the human biometrics or physical tokens are widely employed in public and private areas. Yet these systems, in their conventional forms, are restricted to active interaction ... -
Automatic garment retexturing based on infrared information
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2016-10)This paper introduces a new automatic technique for garment retexturing using a single static image along with the depth and infrared information obtained using the Microsoft Kinect II as the RGB-D acquisition device. ... -
Automatic Recognition of Facial Displays of Unfelt Emotions
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, APR-JUN 20)Humans modify their facial expressions in order to communicate their internal states and sometimes to mislead observers regarding their true emotional states. Evidence in experimental psychology shows that discriminative ... -
Automatic speech based emotion recognition using paralinguistics features
(POLSKA AKAD NAUK, 2019)Affective computing studies and develops systems capable of detecting humans affects. The search for universal well-performing features for speech-based emotion recognition is ongoing. In this paper, a small set of features ... -
Average intensity of astigmatic hyperbolic sinusoidal Gaussian beam propagating in oceanic turbulence
(IOP Publishing Ltd, February 2)We derive the received intensity of astigmatic hyperbolic sinusoidal Gaussian(AHSG) beam propagating through oceanic turbulence. Huygens-Fresnel integral is evaluated to reach the expression at the receiver side. Effect ... -
A biomimetic approach to increasing soft actuator performance by friction reduction
(MDPI AG, 1 May 2020)While increasing power output is the most straight-forward solution for faster and stronger motion in technology, sports, or elsewhere, efficiency is what separates the best from the rest. In nature, where the possibilities ... -
Broadband, Stable, and Non-Iterative Dielectric Constant Measurement of Low-Loss Dielectric Slabs Using a Frequency-Domain Free-Space Method
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)A broadband, stable, and non-iterative free-space method is proposed for dielectric constant ε′r determination of low-loss dielectric slabs from reflection-only measurements through simple calibration standards (reflect ... -
CFD Simulations and External Shape Optimization of Missile with Wing and Tailfin Configuration to Improve Aerodynamic Performance
(ISFAHAN UNIV TECHNOLOGY, NOV 2021)The wing of missile can be considered as an effective factor for determination of lift to drag ratio. However, there are few studies that investigate wing effect on missile aerodynamics. Therefore, the purpose of this study ... -
ChaLearn Looking at People: IsoGD and ConGD Large-Scale RGB-D Gesture Recognition
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, MAY 2022)The ChaLearn large-scale gesture recognition challenge has run twice in two workshops in conjunction with the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2016 and International Conference on Computer Vision ... -
Characterization and some fundamental features of Optically Stimulated Luminescence measurements of silver activated lithium tetraborate
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2018-10)A new lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7 or abbreviated as LTB) material was produced by adding various concentrations of Ag impurities to allow better luminescent properties using the solution combustion synthesis (SCS) method. ...