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EF- EBB - EÖD Makale Koleksiyonu [22]
EF- EBB - EÖD Article Collection
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Developing orientation and mobility skills checklist and determining its cut-off scores
(Ankara Unıv, 2023)Introduction: In order to be able to carry out systematic teaching activities for the orientation and mobility skills that are vital in the lives of students with visual impairment in schools, it is extremely important to ... -
Anasınıfı çocuklarına yönelik erken okuryazarlık testi (erot) geliştirme çalışmasıa tevhide kargın
(2015)Bu araştırma, Türk çocuklarının erken okuryazarlık becerilerini geçerli ve güvenilir bir Şekilde ölçecek kapsamlı bir ölçme aracına duyulan gereksinimle planlanmıştır. Araştırmanın amacını, bu nedenle, 5 yaş çocuklarına ... -
Evlilik doyumu ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması
(2023)Bu çalışmanın amacı evli bireylerin evlilik doyum düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik Evlilik Doyumu Ölçeği’nin (EDÖ) geliştirilmesi ve psikometrik özelliklerinin test edilmesidir. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğini incelemek amacıyla ... -
Relationship between students & apos; sense of school belonging with principals & apos; perceptions of school discipline, and teachers & apos; perceptions of school safety in TIMSS 2019
(Sprınger, SEP 2023)This research is a predictive correlational study aimed at examining the relationship between students' sense of school belonging, principals' perceptions of school discipline, and teachers' perceptions of school safety. ... -
Investigation of education value perception scale's psychometric properties according to CTT and IRT
(IJATE-INT JOURNAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS EDUCATION, SEP 2022)The purpose of this study is to develop Education Value Perception Scale (EVPS) based on Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory and to investigate its psychometric properties according to Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item ... -
Comparison of Kernel Equating and Kernel Local Equating in Item Response Theory Observed Score Equating
(Selahattin GELBAL, 2021)The present study aims to compare the Kernel equating and Kernel local equating methods in observed score equating. Functions and error estimates regarding the difference between raw and equated scores and the scores equated ... -
Çoktan Seçmeli Testlerde Test Güvenliğini Arttıran ve Kısmi Puanlama Sağlayan Sınav Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi
(Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi, 31.12.2020)Bu projenin amacı, çevrimiçi ortamda gerçeklestirilen gözetimsiz sınavlarda yaygın bir sekilde kullanılan çoktan seçmeli testler için test güvenligini arttıran ve kısmi puanlamanın yapılmasını saglayan bir sınav sisteminin ... -
Practices and opinions of teachers working at public, private and International Baccalaureate schools on measurement and evaluation
(Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Derneği, 2020)This study aimsto investigatethe opinions of teachers working at public, private, and International Baccalaureate (IB) Schools on the evaluation practices, the use of assessment tools, the frequency of documenting data, ... -
The Effect of Feedback Timing on Mathematics Achievement
(Sinan Olkun, 2019)The aim of this study is to explore whether feedback time given to the students has an effect onmathematics achievement. In the experimental study, the experimental groups were given the feedbackbetween the pre-test and ... -
Motorlu Taşıtlar Sürücü Kursiyerleri Sınavının Simülatif Bilgisayar Ortamında Bireye Uyarlanmış Test Uygulaması
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2018)Motorlu Taşıt Sürücü Kursiyerleri Sınavı’nın Bilgisayar Ortamında Bireye Uyarlanmış Test uygulaması ile kâğıt kalem test yönteminin simülatif olarak karşılaştırılmasının amaçlandığı bu çalışma temel araştırma modelindedir. ... -
Validity and Reliability Evidence of Professional Obsolescence Scale According to Different Test Theories
(IJATE-INT JOURNAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS EDUCATION, 2021)This study aims to develop a scale that will determine the factors causing professional obsolescence in the field of education. In this context, the Professional Obsolescence Scale (POS) has been developed to determine the ... -
Türkiye Ölçme Araçları Dizininde Yer Alan Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi Çalışmalarının Paralel Analiz Sonuçları İle Karşılaştırılması
(2019)Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye Ölçme Araçları Dizininde (TOAD) yer alan ölçek geliştirme veya uyarlama çalışmalarında açımlayıcı faktör analizi (AFA) ile belirlenmiş olan faktör sayılarının paralel analiz sonuçlarına göre ... -
Scaling of Mood-State and Sample Cases Causing Anger in a Relationship with Rank-Order Judgment and Classifying Judgment
(IJATE-INT JOURNAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS EDUCATION, 2020)This study is a survey study which aims to determine underlying causes of anger and the anger levels of individuals, in the sample cases and mood-states defined in the research. 255 people participated by filling in forms ... -
The Effect of Turkish Green Crescent Society APTP Program on Students' Knowledge and Emotional Awareness about Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug, and Technology Addiction
(TURKISH GREEN CRESCENT SOC, SEP 2020)This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the Addiction Prevention Training Program (APTP) of Turkey, (Turkiye Bagimlilikla Mucadele Programi) and gather the perspectives of students and stakeholders about the program. ... -
Study for Developing the Test of Early Literacy for Turkish Kindergarten Children
(ANKARA UNIV, 2015)This study was planned due to the crucial need for a standardized measure of early literacy with demonstrated validity and reliability for Turkish children. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a standardized measure of ... -
Investigation of Psychometric Properties of Scales with Missing Data Techniques for Different Sample Sizes and Missing Data Patterns
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2015)The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of scales with different missing data techniques. For this purpose 100 data sets were generated under different conditions of sample sizes (250, 500 ... -
Determination and Interpretation of the Norm Values of PreSchool Social Skills Rating Scale Teacher Form
(EDAM, 2015-08)This study aimed to determine and interpret norms of the Preschool Social Skills Rating Scale (PSSRS) teacher form. The sample included 224 independent preschools and 169 primary schools. The schools are distributed among ... -
Adaptation of the Approaches to Teaching Inventory into Turkish and Analysis of Turkish Academics' Approaches to Their Own Teaching
(TURKISH EDUCATION ASSOC, 2018)The aim of this research is to adapt the Approaches to Teaching Inventory into Turkish culture and analyze the teaching approaches of academics working at education faculties in terms of various variables. In the light of ... -
Using the Delphi Technique and Focus-Group Interviews to Determine Item Bias on the Mathematics Section of the Level Determination Exam for 2012
(EDAM, 2018-04)The aim of this study is to determine whether items from the mathematics section of the 2012 Level Determination Exam indicate item bias according to gender and school type. In particular, the process of item bias has been ... -
Old Wine in a New Bottle: Implementation of Intensive Language Program in the 5th Grade in Turkey
(HACETTEPE UNIV, 2018-09)In search of ways to better the foreign language proficiency levels of their citizens, governments frequently announce macro foreign language policies. In Turkey, the latest education reform in 2013 lowered the onset of ...