Browsing İİSBF - İKT Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 197
Anadolu’da kurulan üniversitelerin illerin sosyo-ekonomik yapılarına katkıları
(2011)Üniversiteler, genel olarak ülkenin, özel olarak ise bulunduğu kentin sosyo-ekonomik gelişmesini sağlayan faktörlerin en önemlilerinden birisidir. Üniversite denilince, ilk önce, her üniversite nüfusunun kentte yaptığı ... -
An analogue of Eulerian polynomials related to L-type function
(MAEJO UNIV, 2015-05)We introduce Dirichlet's type of twisted Eulerian polynomials by using p-adic fermionic q-invairant integral in the p-adic integer ring and obtain some new interesting identities. Using a complex contour integral representation ... -
Analogues of Newton-Girard power-sum formulas for entire and meromorphic functions with applications to the Riemann zeta function
(ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2015-02)The Newton power-sum formulas relate to sums of powers of roots of a polynomial with the coefficients of the polynomial. In this paper we obtain formulas that relate to sums of reciprocal powers of zeros and poles of entire ... -
Analysis of cointegration and causality relations between gold prices and selected financial indicators: Empirical evidence from Turkey
(INST ADVANCED SCIENCE EXTENSION, MAR 2022)This paper explores the dynamic relationships between gold prices and selected financial indicators (such as prices, inflation rate, deposit interest rate, exchange rate, and the Istanbul Stock Exchange National 100 index) ... -
Analysis of the Analytical Balance Sheet of Central Bank of Republic of Turkey during 2000-2009 Period in Terms of Crises
(IGI GLOBAL, 2013)Today, Central Banks' primary target is to maintain the price stability. In that context, through their monetary policy, they intervene in the money market with different tools. The Analytical Balance Sheet was created ... -
Applications of fourier series and zeta functions to Genocchi polynomials
(Natural Sciences Publishing, 2018-09-01)In this paper, we firstly consider the properties of Genocchi polynomials, Fourier series and Zeta functions. In the special cases, we see that the Fourier series yield Zeta functions. From here, we show that zeta functions ... -
Applications of q-Derivative Operator to the Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions Involving q-Chebyshev Polynomials
(HINDAWI LTD, MAR 18 202)In recent years, the usage of the q-derivative and symmetric q-derivative operators is significant. In this study, firstly, many known concepts of the q-derivative operator are highlighted and given. We then use the symmetric ... -
Applications of symmetric conic domains to a subclass of q-Starlike functions
(MDPI, APR 2022)In this paper, the theory of symmetric q-calculus and conic regions are used to define a new subclass of q-starlike functions involving a certain conic domain. By means of this newly defined domain, a new subclass of ... -
Approximation by Bivariate Bernstein-Durrmeyer Operators on a Triangle
(2017-04)In the present paper, we obtain some approximation properties for the bivariate Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators on a triangle. We characterize the rate of convergence in terms of K-functional and the usual and second order ... -
Approximation degree of Durrmeyer-Bezier type operators
(SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING A, 2018-02-22)Recently, a mixed hybrid operator, generalizing the well-known Phillips operators and Baskakov-Szasz type operators, was introduced. In this paper, we study Bezier variant of these new operators. We investigate the degree ... -
Approximation of durrmeyer type operators depending on certain parameters
(2017-05)Motivated by a number of recent investigations, we consider a new analogue of Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators based on certain variants. We derive some approximation properties of these operators. We also compute local ... -
AR-Ge Yatırımları Yüksek Teknolojili Ürün İhracatı Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Seçilmiş OECD Ülkeleri
(Müslüm POLAT, 2020)Bilim ve teknolojide yaşanan gelişmeler sonucunda ekonomik büyümenin belirleyicileri de değişmiştir. Buna göre ekonomik büyümenin artırılması için teknoloji, eğitim, beşeri sermaye, bilgi gibi faktörlere ihtiyaç duyulmaya ... -
Asymptotic properties of a new Sturm-Liouville problem with retarded argument
(WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2014-11-30)In this work, we study the asymptotic properties of a new Sturm-Liouville problem with retarded argument. Contrary to previous works, differential equation includes eigenparameter as a quadratic function. In the considered ... -
An attractive numerical algorithm for solving nonlinear Caputo-Fabrizio fractional Abel differential equation in a Hilbert space
(SPRINGER, MAY 26 202)Our aim in this paper is presenting an attractive numerical approach giving an accurate solution to the nonlinear fractional Abel differential equation based on a reproducing kernel algorithm with model endowed with a ... -
Bell-Based Bernoulli Polynomials with Applications
(MDPI, MAR 2021)In this paper, we consider Bell-based Stirling polynomials of the second kind and derive some useful relations and properties including some summation formulas related to the Bell polynomials and Stirling numbers of the ... -
Beşeri Sermaye ve Enerji Tüketiminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi: AB 15 ve Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama
(Gaziantep Üniv. Sosyal Bilimler Enst., 2020)Bu çalışmada AB-15 ve Türkiye için enerji tüketimi ve beşeri sermayenin ekonomik büyüme üzerindeki etkisi yatay kesit bağımlılığı altında AMG tahmincisi ile test edilmektedir. Bilgili ve eğitimli bir toplumun gerekliliği, ... -
Bibliometric analysis of scientific production on international trade and cryptocurrency
(Institute of Advanced Science Extension (IASE), 2021)There has been a remarkable increase in the number of publications on international trade and cryptocurrency in recent years. This paper aims to analyze the literature on international trade and cryptocurrency in the Web ... -
Blending type approximation by Stancu-Kantorovich operators based on Polya-Eggenberger distribution
(DE GRUYTER OPEN LTD, 2017)In the paper the authors introduce the Kantorovich variant of Stancu operators based on Polya-Eggenberger distribution. By making use of this new operator, we obtain some indispensable auxiliary results. We also deal with ... -
The causality relationship between trade and environment in G7 countries: Evidence from dynamic symmetric and asymmetric bootstrap panel causality tests
(MDPI, 2022)In this paper, we test the dynamic symmetric and asymmetric causality relationship between the ecological footprint and trade openness in G7 countries by suggesting a new bootstrap panel causality test based on seemingly ... -
A certain (p, q)-derivative operator and associated divided differences
(SPRINGEROPEN, 2016)Recently, Sofonea (Gen. Math. 16:47-54, 2008) considered some relations in the context of quantum calculus associated with the q-derivative operator D-q and divided difference. As applications of the post-quantum calculus ...