Construction of partially degenerate laguerre-genocchi polynomials with their applications
Talha Usman, Mohd Aman, Owais Khan, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, & Serkan Araci. (January 01, 2020). Construction of partially degenerate Laguerre-Genocchi polynomials with their applications. Aims Mathematics, 5, 5, 4399-4411.Abstract
Various applications of degenerate polynomials in different areas call for the thoughtful study and research, and many extensions and variants can be found in the literature. In this paper, we introduce partially degenerate Laguerre-Genocchi polynomials and investigate their properties and identities. Furthermore, we introduce a generalized form of partially degenerate Laguerre-Genocchi polynomials and derive some interesting properties and identities. The results obtained are of general character and can be reduced to yield formulas and identities for relatively simple polynomials and numbers. © 2020 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press.