Browsing EF - TEB - OÖÖ Makale Kolesiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
5–8 Yaş çocuklar için görsel uzamsal akıl yürütme becerileri testinin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması
(Kafkas Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2021)5–8 Yaş Çocuklar için Görsel Uzamsal Akıl Yürütme Becerileri Testi’nin geçerlik ve güvenirliliğin incelendiği bu araştırmada, genel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. 2018–2019 eğitim öğretim yılında Gaziantep’te Milli Eğitim ... -
Activity-based unplugged coding during the preschool period
(Springer, 2020)The aim of this pilot study is to support the activity-based unplugged coding and robotic coding skills of children during their preschool period. A significant sample was chosen for this quantitative research. The study ... -
Adaptation of the computational thinking skills assessment tool (techcheck-k) in early childhood
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024)In the early years, it has become essential to support the acquisition of computational thinking, which is seen as a 21st-century skill and new literacy. A valid and reliable measurement tool is needed to develop and ... -
Ana Dili Türkçe Olan ve Olmayan Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Erken Okuryazarlık Becerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi
(BAYBURT UNIVERSITESI, 2021)Bu araştırmanın amacı, ana dili Türkçe olan ve olmayan okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının Türkçe erken okuryazarlık becerilerini değerlendirmektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Van’a bağlı Gevaş ve İpekyolu ilçelerinde okul ... -
Analysis of the Effects of Project-Based Education on the Visual Perceptions of Five-Year-Old Children (60-72 Months)
(TURKISH EDUCATION ASSOC, 2016-07)The current study aimed to identify whether the project-based approach affects the visual perception skills of five-year-old preschool children (60-72 months). The universe of the study was constituted of five-year-old ... -
Analysis of the Physical Structure of School Gardens as Learning Environments
(CUKUROVA UNIV, OCT 2021)This research, which aims to examine school gardens as a physical learning environment, has been conducted in a qualitative research design. The research includes the gardens of 27 preschool education institutions in ... -
Assesment of parent-child relationship in Covid-19 pandemic
(Elsevier Ltd, January 20)COVID-19, which emerged in 2019 and spread rapidly around the world, has made a great change in the daily lives of individuals and has created a basis for social-emotional-psychological problems. It is thought that the ... -
Demographic factors associated with young children's motor creativity
(Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayıncilik Merkezi, October 20)This study investigated factors that are associated with the creative motor skills of young children. We recruited through random sampling 233 typically developing children attending preschool or kindergarten in Afyonkarahisar, ... -
Design-based digital story program: Enhancing coding and computational thinking skills in early childhood education
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024)The domain of early childhood education has witnessed an increasing emphasis on developing coding and computational thinking (CT) abilities. Scholarly investigations have delved into appropriate approaches for enhancing ... -
The drawing development characteristics of gifted and children of normal development
(Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayıncilik Merkezi, 29 Februar)This study was conducted in a survey model in order to compare the drawing development of gifted and children of normal development in the Scheme Period (7–9 years). A simple random sampling method has been included in the ... -
Early childhood preservice teachers’ experiences with reflective journal writing | [Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının yansıtıcı günlük yazma deneyimleri]
(Ani Publishing, 2019)Purpose: Reflective journal writing is considered as a form of reflective practice. The research studies suggested that journal writing allowed the teacher to reflect on their practices, improved their selfawareness and ... -
The effects of project approach-baAPR 2023sed education on cognitive abilities and scientific process skills of six-years children
(CUKUROVA UNIV, APR 2023)The aim of this study was to determine the effect of project approach-based education on cognitive abilities and scientific process skills of six-years children. A pretest-posttest -retention test control group quasi-experimental ... -
The effects of project approach-based education on cognitive abilities and scientific process skills of six-years children
(2023)The aim of this study was to determine the effect of project approach-based education on cognitive abilities and scientific process skills of six-years children. A pretest-posttest-retention test control group quasi- ... -
Expectations of Syrian refugee and Turkish parents living in Gaziantep from preschool teachers in the context of ınclusive education
(2024)The purpose of this study is to comparatively reveal what parents of both Syrian refugee and Turkish children in a multicultural educational environment expect from preschool teachers in the context of inclusive education. ... -
“I did it wrong, but i know it”: Young children's metacognitive knowledge expressions during peer interactions in math activities
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)Previous studies reveal that children's metacognitive skills make massive progress during the early childhood period. We believe that examining how children use metacognitive skills in the learning process is crucial for ... -
Integrating Multiple Intelligences into Daily Plans: A Preschool Example
(Prof.Dr. Abdullah Kuzu, 2019)The purpose of this qualitative study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences Theory (MI) onpreschool children’s learning styles, interests and active participation to the daily activities. Researchersconducted ... -
Investigation of the gender stereotypes of children from "Extended" Single-Parent families in Turkey
(HACETTEPE UNIV, JAN 2022)The breakdown of relationships between parents because of divorce, separation or spousal death can affect children's gender roles, as it requires restructuring roles in the family. In Turkey, single-parent families function ... -
Investigation of the practices in learning centers of pre-school education institutes
(MEHMET TEKEREK, 2017-01)The study used both the qualitative and quantitative research method, aims to determine the practices regarding learning centers in the preschool class. The sample is selected from preschool teachers who are worked in ... -
Matematiksel Kavramları İçinde Barındıran Resimli Öykü Kitaplarının Biçim ve İçerik Açısından İncelenmesi
(Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2020)Erken çocukluk döneminde çocukların gelişimlerinin desteklenmesi, var olan potansiyellerinin açığaçıkarılması ve kavramların öğretilmesinde çocuklara yönelik hazırlanan resimli öykü kitapları önemli biryere sahiptir. ... -
Mentorluk Becerileri Değerlendirme Aracının(MEBDA)Geliştirilmesi
(İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, 2020)Araştırmada uygulama öğretmenlerinin mentorlukbecerilerini belirlemek amacıyla Mentorluk Becerileri Değerlendirme Aracı (MEBDA) geliştirilmiş ve ölçme aracınınpsikometrik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, ...