Browsing Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1098
1-absorbing primary submodules
(OVIDIUS UNIV PRESS, 2021)Let R be a commutative ring with non-zero identity and M be a unitary R-module. The goal of this paper is to extend the concept of 1-absorbing primary ideals to 1-absorbing primary submodules. A proper submodule N of M is ... -
1HMRS results of hippocampus in the patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder before and after cognitive behavioral therapy
(Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2015)Objective. In the present study, we examined the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on the hippocampal neurochemistry in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Methods. Twelve patients with OCD and ... -
3D face reconstruction with region based best fit blending using mobile phone for virtual reality based social media
(POLSKA AKAD NAUK, 2019-02)The use of virtual reality (VR) has been exponentially increasing and due to that many researchers have started to work on developing new VR based social media. For this purpose it is important to have an avatar of the ... -
3D Numerical Modeling of a Single Pipe Pile Under Axial Compression Embedded in Organic Soil
(Springer, 1 October )The objective of this paper is to numerically study the behavior pipe pile under axial compression embedded in organic soil has been numerically predicted. The pipe pile used in the study has been produced by steel and it ... -
3D Printing of Buildings: Construction of the Sustainable Houses of the Future by BIM
(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)The paper presents the new technology of 3D printing of buildings for the sustainable houses of the future. 3D printing building technology is a new construction technique started with the invention of 3D printer. Latest ... -
3D settlement analysis of underpinning piles under raft foundation subjected to nonuniform vertical loading
(Springer Verlag, 2018)Existing rafts under the design loads sometimes experience excessive settlements or confront such a possibility in the future if the modified functionality of building is induced to increase the foundation loading. ... -
A 3D virtual environment for training soccer referees
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2019-05)Emerging digital technologies are being used in many ways by and in particular virtual environments provide new opportunities to gain experience on real-world phenomena without having to live the actual real-world experiences. ... -
A report by Turkish association for psychopharmacology on the psychotropic drug usage in turkey and medical, ethical and economical consequences of current applications | [Psikofarmakoloji Derneǧi Türkiye'de psikotrop ilaç tüketimi ve mevcut uygulamalaridotlessn tidotlessbbi, etik ve ekonomik sonuçlaridotless raporu]
(KURE ILETISIM GRUBU A S, 2013-12)This report evaluation of the psychotropic drug usage in Turkey based on the data provided by Intercontinental Marketing Service (IMSHealth), Ministry of Health, Turkish Statistical Institute, Turkish Mental Health Profile. ... -
Abnormal Sexual Behavior During Sleep in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: a Case Report
(2012)Herein, we describe a case who presented with abnormal sexual behaviour during sleep. Video-electroencephalography monitoring during sleep revealed an abnormality suggesting an epileptic basis. The patient was successfully ... -
Accelerated multistep thermal stabilization of polyacrylonitrile fibers using an ethylenediamine pretreatment
(Springer, August 202)The polyacrylonitrile multifilament yarn underwent a multistep heat treatment process including stabilization times ranging from 5 to 75 min following impregnation with a 30% ethylenediamine (EDA) aqueous solution. A series ... -
Accuracy comparison of different batch size for a supervised machine learning task with image classification
(IEEE, 2022)Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence where computers solve issues by considering examples of real-world data. Within machine learning, there are various types of techniques or tasks such as supervised, ... -
Achieving ecological sustainability in European Union: The role of fiscal decentralization and green innovation
(Elsevier Ltd, 15 March 2)European Union member states are dedicated to bring standards and create climate change mitigation strategies at the center stage of public policy, prioritizing energy sector's transition from non-renewable to renewable ... -
Action Recognition Using Single-Pixel Time-of-Flight Detection
(MDPI, 2019-04)Action recognition is a challenging task that plays an important role in many robotic systems, which highly depend on visual input feeds. However, due to privacy concerns, it is important to find a method which can recognise ... -
Activity-based unplugged coding during the preschool period
(Springer, 2020)The aim of this pilot study is to support the activity-based unplugged coding and robotic coding skills of children during their preschool period. A significant sample was chosen for this quantitative research. The study ... -
Acute appendicitis coexisting with acute pyelonephritis causing diagnostic dilemma: a case report
(SPRINGER, MAY 19 202)Background Acute appendicitis and acute pyelonephritis are the most common diseases admitted to emergency departments. Both conditions have common symptoms such as flank pain, abdominal pain, and fever. Patients' history, ... -
Acute effects of spinal bracing on scapular kinematics in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2017-08)Background: Bracing is the most common nonsurgical treatment for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spinal braces affect glenohumeral and scapulothoracic motion because they restrict trunk movements. However, the potential ... -
Adaptation of engagement questionnaire to turkish for science classes: Validity and reliability study [Öğrenci katılımı ölçeği’nin fen bilimleri dersi için türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması]
(Ankara University, 2018)The aim of this research was to adapt the Engagement Questionnaire in four dimensions (i.e. behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and agentic engagement) to Turkish to be used in science classes. For this purpose, firstly a ... -
Adaptation of fear of missing out scale (FoMOs): Turkish version validity and reliability study
(SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2019-01-22)BackgroundThe aim of this study is to examine psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the fear of missing out scale (FoMOs) on three different study groups.MethodWe conducted the construct validity of the Turkish ... -
Adaptation of scientific reasoning scale into Turkish and examination of its psychometric properties
(Edam, 2018-06)In this study, it is aimed to adapt the Scientific Reasoning Scale (SRS) into Turkish. The translated form has been provided to the students enrolled at different levels together with a form in which they were requested ... -
Adaptation of the Approaches to Teaching Inventory into Turkish and Analysis of Turkish Academics' Approaches to Their Own Teaching
(TURKISH EDUCATION ASSOC, 2018)The aim of this research is to adapt the Approaches to Teaching Inventory into Turkish culture and analyze the teaching approaches of academics working at education faculties in terms of various variables. In the light of ...